Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tragedy and the Birth of a Man Cave

The Austin gaming community suffered a terrible loss this month. Our local hardcore gaming store has closed, leaving many in the Austin gaming community with a hard choice.....Where do we play? Luckily, there are other stores in the area that have game space and are trying to accomodate the community. However, these stores are diverse in their product and so attract a different crowd. No that is annoying. Hobby over Heavy.......can't we have both? This also leaves us with less tournaments per month. We will miss you Battle Forge Games......R.I.P.

Yesterday, I went to my teammate Cheeseburger Josh's house for a day of shit talking, ballbusting, and terrain building. It was a manly day of epic proportions. Josh banished his wife and kids to the bedrooms so that we could have the kitchen for a day of terrain construction. We talked 40K, drank gallons of Mountain Dew Throwback(with real sugar!!!) and ate a couple of tons of Taco Bell....Oh, and talked a bunch of shit at each other. It's amazing how brutal the insults can get with 5 guys in the same room.

The reason for the terrain building day was Josh now has his own man cave! It is not attached to the house and has room for two 4x6 tables. We did get in one 2000pt game and the setup worked really well. We have decided to play at his place a few nights a month. That way we can cuss and trash talk as much as we want without offending the soccer moms, D&D players and dirty card flippers....and we will still make appearances at the local shops to get fresh opponents and play tournaments.

I'll get some pictures of the terrain next week....and maybe even a battle report.

Go roll Some Dice.


Monday, August 2, 2010


I didn't get to roll a single damn die at WarGamesCon. My plan to be there for open gaming fell through due to a schedule change at work. I did get to stop by on Sunday to meet a few people, including Brent from Strictly Average and Tasty Taste from Blood of Kittens. I also ran into some opponents from last year, it was good to see them again. I really wish I could have competed but it just wasn't in the cards.

A couple of my teamates and regular opponents did pretty well, coming up just a tad short.
Finishing just short of the prizes is quite a disappointment, I know it happened to me last year. You'll get the win next time guys.
WarGamesCon appeared to be an even bigger success than last year and I am looking forward to being there ALL weekend next year. Congratulations Jwolf and crew, y'all did an awesome job.
I've got to get ready for work.....crap!!!
Go Roll Some Dice!!!