Game 1 I played BAs, I ended up with a massacre, game 2 was against SMs and I also got a massacre, Game 3 was the toughest game of the day against Splug's foot Eldar. I managed to take out his Avatar in the first round of shooting the game was hard fought but Splug ended up conceding on turn 5. So I ended up with a 3-0 for the day and had my first victory at BFG.
I am playing in another Team tournament this Saturday, a Heavy tournament @ BFG, and Ard Boyz this month. Unfortunately, I will miss the last Will of Chaos Hobby Tournament due to work.
On the hobby front, I have some Sky Claws with Green stuffed mullethawks on the paint table and an Iron Priest/Canis conversion WIP. I am also working on some Nid drop pods......and I have started another Praetorian platoon.......oh and another Hydra turret and another Manticore turret.
Go Roll Some Dice!!!