Well, the bad news is I didn't win. I felt good going into the tournament. Game one I played a real cool Space Marine player. He was a great sport and we had a great game. I got max points. Game two did not go so well for me. I was up against Big Red's Death Guard. He used a Lysander list and capitalized on two rounds of bad shooting by me and took full points. It was one of those "What the hell just happened?" games. It was a fun game nonetheless. Game three was the low point of the tournament for me. I was up against a leaf blower cut and paste list. My opponent and I started to disagree on firing angles on turn one and it really was just not a fun game. Add to that some really lousy dice rolls and....you get the picture. It ended 2-0 in favor of my opponent. The last game was against Real Genuis and was a fun game. Once again my dice started real cold but got warmer as the game went on. I got the win and had a great opponent. So over all 3 great games out of 4, not bad. I'd have liked better results but it was fun.
A problem I had with the scoring system; They had 4 victory conditions and used 3 per game, changing up the order. I found this to be less than ideal. It just seemed like I was playing the same mission every game. I hope the TOs go to a different system for the next tournament as it could have been more fun with different missions. Overall, they did a good job, terrain was great, the schedule worked pretty smooth, and prize support looked good.
This weekend I am going to Killeen for an 1850pt tournament there. I'm bringing the Praetorians again with a few minor tweaks......Do you smell what Crazy Red Praetorian is cooking????!!!!
Go Roll Some Dice!!!|
King Kreel's Grand Hunt: Idoneth Deepkin
6 years ago
Sounds fun man. I just realized that my bookmarked site for your blog was actually a single post, and all this time I had thought you didn't update your blog at all since then, since whenever I clicked on the link, it just went to that post. I feel dumb, lol.
Anyways, look forward to reading what you have to say henceforth, and hopefully I'll get to see you again next BoLS(wargames?)Con!
Thanks, I'll look forward to seeing you. This year should be better than ever.
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